Order Service
This service manages customer carts and orders:
- Cart APIs
- Create a new cart.
- Add item to cart
- Update quantity of an item in a cart
- Remove item from a cart
- Delete a cart
- Order APIs
- Create an order. After successfully saving order info publish ORDER_CREATED event.
- Cancel order. After cancelling order publish ORDER_CANCELLED event.
- Get all orders
- Get order by order_number
Order Event Processing Handlers:
- ORDER_DELIVERED event handler: Update order status to DELIVERED
- ORDER_CANCELLED event handler: Update order status to CANCELLED
- ORDER_ERROR event handler: Update order status to ERROR
Order Event Notification Handlers:
- ORDER_CREATED event handler: Send order received email notification
- ORDER_CANCELLED event handler: Send order cancelled email notification
- ORDER_DELIVERED event handler: Send order delivered email notification
- ORDER_ERROR event handler: Send order can't be fulfilled email notification
API Endpoints
1. Get cart for a given cartId
- Endpoint :
GET /api/carts<?cartId=CART_ID>
- Security: N/A
- Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"id": "cart_id",
"items": [
"code": "ISBN_1",
"name": "product name",
"description": "description",
"price": 1.50,
"quantity": 1
Here cartId query parameter is optional. If not included this request will create a new cart. If cartId is specified then it will return the cart info for given cartId, if cartId not found then returns 404.
2. Add item to cart
- Endpoint :
POST /api/carts<?cartId=CART_ID>
- Security: N/A
- Request Body:
"code": "ISBN_1",
"quantity": 1 //optional, default to 1
- Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"id": "cart_id",
"items": [
"code": "ISBN_1",
"name": "product name",
"description": "description",
"price": 12.50,
"quantity": 1
3. Update item quantity in cart
- Endpoint :
PUT /api/carts?cartId=CART_ID
- Security: N/A
- Request Body:
"code": "ISBN_1",
"quantity": 1
- Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"id": "cart_id",
"items": [
"code": "ISBN_1",
"name": "product name",
"description": "description",
"price": 12.50,
"quantity": 1
4. Remove item in cart
- Endpoint :
DELETE /api/carts/items/{code}?cartId=CART_ID
- Security: N/A
- Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"id": "cart_id",
"items": [
"code": "ISBN_1",
"name": "product name",
"description": "description",
"price": 1.50,
"quantity": 1
5. Delete cart
- Endpoint :
DELETE /api/carts?cartId=CART_ID
- Security: N/A
- Response:
- Status Code: 200
6. Create an order
- Endpoint :
POST /api/orders
- Security: N/A
- Request Body:
"items": [
"code": "ABCDEFGH", // unique
"name": "Book Title", // mandatory
"price": 24.50, // mandatory
"quantity": 1
"code": "JKLMNOP", // unique
"name": "Book Title", // mandatory
"price": 20.50, // mandatory
"quantity": 2
"customer": {
"name":"customer name", // mandatory
"email": "customer@email.com", // mandatory
"phone": "999999999" // mandatory
"deliveryAddress": {
"addressLine1": "street", // mandatory
"addressLine2": "area",
"city": "city", // mandatory
"state": "state", // mandatory
"zipCode": "zipcode", // mandatory
"country": "Country" // mandatory
"payment": {
"cardNumber": "1234123412341234", // mandatory
"cvv": "123", // mandatory
"expiryMonth": 2, // mandatory
"expiryYear": 2025 // mandatory
- Success Response:
- Status Code: 202
- Body:
"status": "NEW"
- Error Response - Bad Request
- Reasons: Missing required fields, ISBN not exists, Payment rejected.
- Status Code: 400
- Body:
"message": "Payment rejected"
7. Cancel order
- Endpoint :
DELETE /api/orders/{orderId}
- Security: Header
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
with Role ADMIN or STAFF - Success Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"status": "CANCELLED"
- Error Response - Bad Request
- Reasons: Missing required fields, orderId not exists, Order already delivered.
- Status Code: 400
- Body:
json { "message": "orderId not exists" }
8. Get all orders
- Endpoint :
GET /api/orders
- Security: Header
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
with Role ADMIN or STAFF - Success Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"totalElements": 25,
"totalPages": 3,
"currentPage": 1,
"data": [
"status": "NEW",
"items": [
"code": "ABCDEFGH",
"name": "Book Title",
"price": 24.50,
"quantity": 1
"code": "JKLMNOP",
"name": "Book Title",
"price": 20.50,
"quantity": 2
"customer": {
"name":"customer name",
"email": "customer@email.com",
"phone": "999999999"
"deliveryAddress": {
"addressLine1": "street",
"addressLine2": "area",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"zipCode": "zipcode",
"country": "Country"
9. Get order by order_id
- Endpoint :
GET /api/orders/{orderId}
- Security: N/A
- Success Response:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
"status": "NEW",
"items": [
"code": "ABCDEFGH",
"name": "Book Title",
"price": 24.50,
"quantity": 1
"code": "JKLMNOP",
"name": "Book Title",
"price": 20.50,
"quantity": 2
"customer": {
"name":"customer name",
"email": "customer@email.com",
"phone": "999999999"
"deliveryAddress": {
"addressLine1": "street",
"addressLine2": "area",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"zipCode": "zipcode",
"country": "Country"
- Error Response - Not Found
- Status Code: 404
- Body:
"message": "Order with id <order_id> not found"
Order Event Processing Handlers:
ORDER_DELIVERED event handler:
- Update order status to "DELIVERED"
ORDER_ERROR event handler:
- Update order status to "ERROR"
ORDER_CANCELLED event handler:
- Update order status to "CANCELLED"
Order Event Notification Handlers:
ORDER_CREATED event handler:
- Send order received email notification
ORDER_CANCELLED event handler:
- Send order cancellation email notification
ORDER_DELIVERED event handler:
- Send order delivered email notification
ORDER_ERROR event handler:
- Send order can't be fulfilled email notification
- Order Processing Job
- When an Order is placed and Payment is Accepted then Order details will be stored in DB with status="NEW".
- This job runs at regular intervals and process every order with status="NEW"
- Each new order details will be published with OrderCreatedEvent